«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: crap! week three..

Monday, March 12, 2007

crap! week three..

zarGH! it's week three already!! so quiCK!!
behind in reading.. dang ..why is there so much -______-"

currently falling asleep in psych lecture.. iLecture. .. had to download it coz my brain died half way through that lecture.. 6pm!! comeo ON! tired =__='


TMNT!!! MOVIE!! out soon!! hehee..

llala .looks like kfc won the poll 10 to 1. bleh. so i was the only one that picked charcoal chicken =P

new poll :
i miss high school *sob*.. overall even the timetable is better.. so much travelling -__-"

joined the magic club today .. hehe. yay.. coin trick #1... i need to have chubby fingers.. to hide the coin.. or just more practice =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sandra...im behind too on all my lecutre notes. they go toooo fast. OH NOES!!! I CANT BE BEHIND.

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha i'm proud to say that i'm part of the "I H8 Uni" faction xD... i guess for now i'm not very used to uni.... hopefully once i find out more things to do during breaks and what not then it'll be better.

Definitely miss GWSC so very much...

7:54 AM  

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