«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: noise

Saturday, March 17, 2007


funny how uni starts and pplz start the blogging and lol =P

lalala.. my holidays were good though ^^ .. i liked them..


I'm so tired..!! doing hw is like... impossible *falls sleep on textbook*.. well except my chemistry one...which has the old library book smell...gross =/

what i've noticed in lectures.. everyone is SOOOOOOO noiSY!! @.@ makes it hard to settle down..thus lectures start late..end late.. poop..

but yer.. i tend to listen to stuff..coz my eyes are bit ...tired lol.. cant be stuffed looking..so.. i'm aware of me surroundings prob. a bit more than the person next to me... and they BREATHE loudly -_-" .. yer.. but for chem.. i've come to realize everyone has those four coloured pens..you know the ones you click and it changes...yer..well that's REALLY annoying..when they all do it at different times. -__-... go 2B pencil!! and eraser =P

also 400 people socialising in the same space at the same time and crescendo..to incredible frequencies.. so you cant help but catch random conversations around you..

on that did surprise me was ..."...i want to spend the rest of my life with her"... zomg. *creepy*
and...i find this one hilarious...

some guy dropped/left his pencil case in copland theatre ..so the girl picked it up..and found his mob. no. .. so being caring she called..and tells him he left it there...i can return it....

his reply was... can you meet me tomorrow?

sounds perfectly normal yer??

but the only problem.. was that tomorrow was a saturday.. hahhaha.. and she just couldnt help but that was deliberate.. *chuckles*..

thats a funny one...

three weeks in... two pracs down...and i know i passed one so far -_- ..crap... but AHHH I LOST MY LABCOAT T_____T... just.. ridiculous. ..not even a stain and it's gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol. how did you lose your labcoat? it is such a BIG FAT friggin thing that takes up so much room in your bag!! damnit. lol. hope you find it...or go steal someone elses labcoat. =P

4:57 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

yer i know! and the stupid thing is i think i lost it at home =[

9:06 AM  

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