«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: give me a breaK

Thursday, March 15, 2007

give me a breaK


not much happening in the morning.. *downloads lecture notes* my gosh psych has sooooo many pages it's unbelievable.. poor printer

so so .. uni.. has.. not stop ACTION! wahhh.. hehe.. so many subjects one after the other.. and little breaks.. and when you do get one.. i (and i'm guessing you pplz do too) want ta rest.. coz yer.. four lectures in a row can be tiring =P .. so yer.. no studying for me in that time..

but yer.. what ta do?? asked around.. these were the responses

.. go to the library and study.. (err.no thanks.. but i did go to the library to sleep. ^^ )
.. go to the computer labs and print notes and check you emails (my eyes are fried no thanks)
.. go and figure out where your next class is ( been there done that...and got lost =P )
.. go to the library and read manga with friends (dunno who has a break with me yet..and manga? no thanks =P)
.. go eat.. (i do that ^^)
.. go to melbourne central (hehe.. did that too... xmen comics at borders lol.)
.. sleep on South Lawn. (outside..on grass..facing sun..err..no)
.. hang out with mates (gotta find some *sob*)
... go to colleges and bum around and eat their food.. (err..maybe one day when i met someone that actually stays at college)

so yer.. those were the majority of responses...

dang cant keep up with work load.. and it keeps piling... the embarrassment of failure ...has increased my need for the want of knowledge...and thus obsessed with thinking about studying yet.. too tired and brain dead to start...synthesizing a love towards copying...and thus.. i love my prac PARTNER! bwhahaahaha. .that smart ass^_____^

hmm.. lesson no. 1 french horn this saT! YAY!! =]

*takes notes out of printer*

*opens french horn case* .. hehe.. frank ^^ so pretty =]

name: frank
species: french horn
friends: sammie the sax and oswald the horn..
likes: lots of bars rest
dislike: oil

JASMINE! WHERE ARE YOU!! we have to be crazy musos together!! *sniff*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooohh. sandra does psych. come on analyse me..

6:38 PM  

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