«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ice ice...baby....??

Thursday, February 08, 2007

ice ice...baby....??

righto.. that was the only song i remember not to have been sung at a gathering at Quyen's place.
Hahhaa.. first time playing sing star...woaH.. it's weird.. grades you and tells you if you are too high (sharp) or too low (flat). How interesting. .how in the world does that game work? How is it able to tell if you are on the right note or not.. does it consider harmonics or something..or the same note different octave.. wellz.. er.. that might be the same thing.. gah.. havent studied music theory in a while -_______-' extremely rusty.

But putting all that aside.. Quyen is the ultimate sing star champ. so PRO! beat everyone there..and was graded "lead singer" "rising star" and "hit artist" numerous times. lol

That was house no 4. or 5 .. i dont really remember.. but yer! very nicely decorated ^^.. and the park is so close to it too. =]

hmm......also speaking of music i tried playing the french horn agains.. bleh.. mum wouldnt let me play coz of the whole "putting too much pressure on your eye" theory.. hmmfhh... it's been six months since i touched it..and aHHH.. i am SO determined to complete seventh grade.. even it im 30 by then =] ...will slowly get back into things...took 30+ mins just to get the concert B flat note in tune -_____- bummer...

...what else was interesting.. ICE SKATING!! that was funn.. wheeeeeeeee... thanks to me.. we got FREE LESSONS!!.. muahhahaa....

...walk in... *cold*.. .*shivers*.... *jaw drops*.. since school started no one was there ..except PROS!!.. and PROS in TRAINING!!.. waHHH.. so coool!!.. hahaa.. and then wobbles on ice.. 13 of us.. going around...and around...and around. them ...lol..

after three teachers.. i learnt hOW TO TURN!! muahahhaa... not just swaying..and leaning..on one side..but that criss-cross leg turning thing =]

the other thing.. people attempted.. was.. "the mohawk" however ya spell it.. some fancy name for a turn..before you start gliding backwards.. bleh.. i suck.. michael nailed it though..

things i've learnt:
1 - learn how to balance before learning how to do tricks
2 - put on your skates correctly before gettin on the ice.. bleh.. i asked you guys..and no one told me until one hour in a random teacher name Teo or something.. told me i didnt do the laces properly. -_- how shocking..
3- OLD people are sO Pro!
4 - no matter if everyone arrives on time.. you always miss the first bus or train..
5 - people who rollerblade can ice skate.
6 - andy , daniel , alvin, michael.. so pro.. grr..how dare you snap photos of me andy =P i cant ice skate -_-'

afterwards.. bus back.. then foodcourt @ glenny for late lunch.. aHH!! crashed.. into matt and david.. and philan and bindi.. my day just couldnt get any better ^^

random list:
1. i can scare people with the amount of food i can eat.
2. i dont know when im full or not -___-
3. i get distracted easily
4. when first meeting people.. especially little kids it's funny to see their expression whilst trying to figure out if im a guy or girl.. bwhahahaha...
5. answering a phone whilst eating kfc is extremely difficult
6. michael kissed vincent's foot
7. andy slaps like a girl
8. talking to randoms that you will never see again is fun
9. bruises go from purple to black.. wellz.. haha.. grace.. yours goes green , then purple then black..then multi COLOURED! buwhahahaa.. that was funny.. hehe. i still remember that.. =P
10. Death note is soo cool -_____- my gosh.. addicted. i cant believe it.. NO .. anime hAS got TO ME *sob*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uni timetables come out online on the 20th, and we can change them on the 21st. If you have that purple sheet from enrolment, those links down the bottom have the student site thing.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot zac...he was a pro too.....either that or I didn't read properly. I usually just skim over things. yeah i know, i'm lazy :p

10:50 AM  

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