«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ...year 10 media revisited

Saturday, May 06, 2006

...year 10 media revisited

righto.. as you all should know i'm doing media.. ^^ fun subject yaY! haha.. it took davy FifTEEN!! attempts to guess the five subjects i'm undertaking this year lol.. yep.. last one's media.

anyways.. thankz HEAPS!! to madu for being sooo generous and lettin me borrow your video camera...your family's video camera. eep.. i will make sure..nuffIN happens to it =]

so i wanted to record something and haha.. she had a tape aready in there.. HAHA ROY and someone forgot who was having a 'mock' right.. it was for english in year 10 i think..were they had to make a film bout "THE WAVE!" hahaha.. so they were fighting. .lol.. the funny thing was that aaron chock was in the background minding his own business and opening his locker.. unafftected...but this temporary nazi movement..hehe

Then i placed my old year 10 tape in and HAhaha.. "LORD OF THE DUSTER" a parody of lord of the rings of course.. but this is where an evil prinicple forged a "duster" yep...the old blackboard dusters.. and we were on a quest to desTROY it by throwing it into the staffroom of doom lol. HILARIOUS STUFF GUYS!

That's where the irony comes in. Skye and cindy were the hobbits and sibyl was the black knight person after them..and i was strider!! (i think that's how ya spell it) well i was the person to help them out.. this was the weird bit.. i had rarely any lines.. but one of them was .. "Hi, i'm strider..heir to the throne of school captain!!" *blinks*.. skye and her scriptwriting.. hehe.

now.. must revisit year 11 media.. >< need ta know my theory...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! that is SOOOOO cool, i should get skye to write a script about me as a millionaire... j/ks haha it's really cool how you can look back on old years with film stuff like that. :P really awesome! I wish i had taped more stuff... you know, normal school days should be taped once in a while so you can remember what they were like haha xD i remember back in year 10 when i had the lockers near home ec room and A9, we used to hang out at the stairs ALL THE TIME O_O but the place is like destroyed now :'(

Alex Kim used to jump on people's lockers (he climbed onto the ledge of the wall to the year 9 lockers and then jumped on top of them) O_O man so many cool things happen when you look back on earlier years, and it's cool how you can notice some people that you didn't know before that were in your films!

6:15 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

yer.. that's just so awesome..

righto.. on normal days i think i will just bring along a camera ^^

1:59 PM  

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