«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: i could have spent the weekend more wisely

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

i could have spent the weekend more wisely

leadership forum and careers expo. careers expo was good.. lots of stuff and lots of freebies. lol... alvin managed to get himself a yoyo and plenty of candy hahaha. I caught public transport ALL BY MYSELF! waH! first time eh?? hahaha.. didn't get lost.. althought i really thought i was. .when i took an express train.. and it stopped at "south yarra" and i was thinking ARGH! i'm lost but i wasnt =P

my english is bad.. so i'm off to english tuition.. -_-' It's the place opposite the train station..
dont remember what else i did that day

Church in morning.. ack freezing cold in the mornings..
eep..methods tuition shortly afterwards *sigh*

Bought a scientific calculator for chem.. texis instrument TI-30IIB or something like that ..it can STORE FIVE NUMBERS!! w0oT! hehe.. also can go back quite a lot of equations that you have previously done.. awesome..

At officeworks i also bought meself another A3 display book. >< ack.. so expensive. but it makes my work look pretty hahhaa

ARGH! i was at band -_-' *sob* and no transport to nicole's bday party.. nooOOoo.. that was a big bummer *sigh* Ah wellz.. i will still be surprising her with a present ^^

Band was alright. Managed to get most of the notes.. ^^ i am improving. haha.. *amazed* at how fast luke can transpose music though.. WAH! .. pro.. maybe i should just get him to compose music for my media product.. hmmm.. oh! i did manage to get copyright permission to use this band's music YES!!.. no i just gotta find a way ta download it ... awesome =]

Tuesday [wow we did get a lot of days off]
finished my vcd sac 3 "the design process" project in two hours ish.. ack. it two more time to draw in pictures though.

5min job on the 'world's greatest shave poster' ack.. only got one done -_-'

7am - work up and finished chem prac write ups.. ><


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