«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: alrighty.. a friday movie updaTe

Friday, April 28, 2006

alrighty.. a friday movie updaTe

yep.. i did planed to watch a movie every friday and spend say 10mins analysing it.. lol.. practicing for media exam?? well.. that idea didnt' go so great.. couldnt' be bothered watching movie half the time and ack.. if i did.. i didn't do the write up. *sigh*

i think the last thing i watched was that jasper morello thingy.. well.. today i watched ICE AGE 2: the meLtdowN.. dum dum daaHHH!! -_-' how sad.. i went to go see it.. after so many times of me complaining how dodgy the first one was. bleh.. i had a free ticket that expired in two days >< DAM THAT SQUIRReL!! grr..it was the most annoying thing ever. but someone couldn't stop laughing at it. >.> *cough*

The purpose of the character: squirrel was basically used to pass time.. "contration of time" from real time to reel time.. haha.. as well as releasing tention between highly dramatic moments say.. well they are about to die.. lol.. which draws out humour in the audience as the narrative is generally directed at young kids so it was appropriate. but seriously.. squirrel heaven?? *yawn*

Overall the film was really predictive.. i guessed right for most of it.. except the fact that they introduced new monsters (those ugly sea creatures) and exacly how the meltdown will be avoided. coz i knew they would all survive having a happy ending.. coz it's a kids film after all..

well.. i dont want to spoil it.. go watch it for yourselves..

i say 6/10 =] it was better than the first one.. more colour on screen i think.. all i remember from last time was heaps of WHITE! and i couldnt get good sleep on the bus.

listen out for the musical score.. GO THE HORN SECTION!! waHH!! it was awesome!!! we got the melody everytime!! *i think*.. or maybe it was trumpet for one bit.. but nah.. we dominated!!!! (*pokes jasmine*.. get them to buy the score so we can play in band ^^)


Blogger - jaz. said...

OOH. i might .. not watch the movie.. yeah, that squirrel really annoys me.. but haha, ill find out about the soundtrack. hehehe. horn section is the most important part of the band, dont you think? miss vice captain? yep, that's right!

11:29 PM  

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