«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: aWesoMe daY =]

Thursday, May 11, 2006

aWesoMe daY =]

righto. .ya all dreaded today eh? english sac -_-'

But there is definately more to a day, to school, to a year, to life, then sacs.. so be grateful we are living is this awesome world.

day began.. 7am at school.. "see you at the pole" - time of just yer.. reflection, sharing, song and prayer.. where all schools around Australia do the exact same thing! waH!!..i'm sure that in the future more and more people will show up =]

My day hasn't been this peaceful as it has like this in ages.. despite the 'still behindness in hw' i was prepared for whatever came really.. not stressing like crazy.. It really pointed out to me how important quiet time in the morning was ..just reflect and give it all up to the Lord.. read the bible and then study chem and then head of to school. >< FREE FOOD ^^. .the principle's something something.. mentor program. haha. twenty or so year 12 students were paired up with a teacher "mentor" that was goina help you through the year or something.. i got ms. macleod.. *shh!!.. sTOp LAUGHING!!* ALL OF YOU =P.. our converstation was bleh.. she talked about maths and i had no interest.. i talked about art..and she had no interest.. great... -_-' at least i can go to her for maths help??? dunno, never had her as a teacher.. but she is head of maths and all.. she knows her stuff righTTT???

Ack.. mr. schiller has already recongised my bad impluse for continuous eating ..he just had to annouce that to everyone there =P it was funny watching people walk past the senior center though. LOL "Is this a party.. where everyone has a free gets together and eat or something?" .. bwaHAhaha. .ya so funny Tanaaz ^^

"Aww.. ya hair is pretty, don't shave it.." - andrew..

AWW THANKS MAN!! first person in my ENTIRE life.. to not have said. .ewwwWW OILY hair XP

Lunch time.. formal committee meeting.. we know where it's held.. but i just cant pronounce it OR spell it..so.. bleh.. ask someelse =P

English sac.. do-able.. i just hopeed i sticked to the topic of "multiculturalism" ack.. what is the difference? i didnt reseach that much.. i talked bout racism mostly.. blah.. i'm just proud i sat in there and wrote that stupid letter to the editor.. [complicated issue this year: "is australia a racist country?" ]


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