«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ...and holiDAYS!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

...and holiDAYS!

yep.. 2nd day of holidays now.. lots fun =]

so monday.. was family barbeque type thing at Cardinia. i think that's what the place is called.. ah wellz it was that Cardinia Water Reservoir. I wanted to go to the city monday but since bbq = good food.. i opt for that. (hmm.. opt.. such a funny word. never actually typed it before. haha.. looks like i spelt it wrong) Anyways.. yer.. weather turned out really good.. and i sAW KANGAROOS!! hehe..v. australia.. took photos but i think camera is stuffed or something. they won't load *sigh*

Hometime.. and i managed to take back this massive rock as a souvenir haha. they said no climing over the dam wall ..but i had to get that rock.. it was so shiny.. if i fell ..eeep. the end of me. I don't think they will mind if they had one rock missing...that place was massive.

Dinner at 'Yummy Kitchen' this new resturant near the cinemas...northern chinese food. never tried that before.. really good. but wahhh!! the waiters and the northerners are SOO TALL!! It was nuts the girl waiters were say 180cm -_-'.... i feel so short.

and as for tuesday.. headed out for movie with friends...never ended up watchin movie..but it's all good, bummed around in glen waverley..stopped for lunch at asian resturant and then headed off to the library.. bound to have found someone we know there..hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wouldn't be Sandra if you didn't opt for the food. xD

6:06 PM  

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