«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: osaka twilight festival//WAH! 12th DAVID!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

osaka twilight festival//WAH! 12th DAVID!

city.. wo0T! actually went... rarely out go that far so it would have been fun anyways. yer it was =]
pplz that went.. bout 8 or so pplz. Meet at 3pm at station coz grace says so.. and grr..LATE! hahaha.. waited for the next train but nobody arrived still...so we left.. blah.. we did wait for 3o mins so we cant' feel guilty hehe..

got there.. saw zac at parliment station.. hmm he has been waiting for a while. lalala.. Michael, Vincent, Wang, Peter and Grace dressed up in their ermz.. japanese stuff.hahaha.. dunnoz what they are called.. ermz. yukata's or something ><' Nice! ..hahaha.. they made them!! talent.. well.. mum's have talent for sewing them hahhaa.. go vincent! the curtain material yukata + aussie beach thongs hehhe. aww ..too bad none of them won the competition. Went they announced their names to everyone while they were on stage.. i never knew that guy was called david.. wahh!! they are taking over the world.. so many of them....

Got there..woah! lots of pplz.. hahaha.. the english people dressed up even better than us. Went straight to food line.sooo long.. but okonomiaki was good.. however ya spell it. .japanese pizza with seafood ..yummm..

Say barbara in other food line later!! woah!! cool.. still have to catch up with primary school buddies i haven't seen in what 7 years?

went for walk.. say adam yeah! person who arrived an hour earlier that us..so he knew were exactly were everything was.. aww..i was kinda dissappointed since there wasn't many activities. There was this yoyo fishing and you just get a water balloon thing. And there was origami .. blah -_-'

got home..and better start methods apps hw=[ damn


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SANDRA ur soo rite im sorry im late but its wasnt my fault it was PETER and My OBI i SWEAR!!!! hahah yeah it was a let down

8:54 PM  

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