«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: >>>>> COWES CAMP <<<<

Friday, February 17, 2006

>>>>> COWES CAMP <<<<

Alright we arrived wed 15th around lunchtime and we got to see the first camp people wo0T!!! Everyone was v. hyped. They were in some lecture thingy so we couldn’t talk to them straight away. Bleh…so we searched for the toilets instead hehe.

As I was walking around I felt this weird breeze.. where was it coming from?? Embarrassing moment no. 1. My pants had ripped at the back.. what a weird place for it to rip.. as if someone just slit it. *sigh*… had to get ms. Culling to sew it back up.

Neways, everyone told us that the role plays were the best.. followed by the sleeping lecture..were you actually got to sleep. Hmm.. v. interesting.. a lecture designed for you to sleep? I’m looking forward to it.

Buddy system

BwahaaAHHAHA! I can’t believe they did that.. .ahaha..of course we are going to be kind to one another *rolls eyes* no one is that harsh. So, just make sure they made this buddy system..where we got a balloon each with someone’s name in it. Pop it. The person is your buddy!! Must do nice things to him/her. …hahaha..the flower bushes were bare by the end of the 2nd hour we found out who our buddies were. I don’t quite understand that. Do nice things…to me..that means say hi. Talk to them, offer to open the door for them or something.. not pluck some flower and give it to them.. they can’t do anything with it?? Since it’s off the plant sooner or later the flower will die and it will stink and attract ants. Bleh, you can’t even eat it. Some things in western culture I just don’t understand yet.

My buddy – Ashray!! Vote him for school captain! lol…nice things I did:
- Before my speech I congratulated him on his speech in front of everyone.. wahh..first time with mic.. i sound funny
- I was called up for lunch first so I gave him lunch first. Bwhahaha..i think his whole table was jealous he got to eat before all of them.

The person who got me as buddy – Reyan … hehe.. flowers =P Thanks for saying I did a good performance when it was really stupid improvisations on stage eek… I can’t believe ms. Culling made me do something *sigh* …


They were alright..paid attention for all except the careers one BORING! That’s when I was looking around the room and discovered that on the ceiling on one of the wooden plank things was a rusted saw!! It was about 80cm long and WOAH! The edges looked lethal.. if that fell …ouch..

hahaha…we did do that sleeping one. I was looking forward to sleeping however I couldn’t. The gym fall was way too hard and my neck v. uncomfortable.. I was awake for the whole thing.. *sigh*. But grace fell asleep!! Ahhaha…you too ruth!! You didn’t even make it up to the story hehe.. But most funny was the people that were snoring.. keke


V. good. Impressed with all the role plays. Such little time to prepare yet.. good stuff!! The group that won was were Sean B. and Daniel L. were really study conscious *cough* nerds.. and lizzie, Andrew, ack..i forgot the other person…I think it was Sean H. yep. They were the “naughty” students.. hehe.. funny.. to the audience it seemed ironic..but nevertheless.. good stuff.

Classic stuff:
Do not smoke bong was the moral of all the plays

e.g. After Edwin got his maths test back teacher says: “1+1 = tap some bong??” hehehe
“I would like 10 grams of weed.. 20 grams of…”
“Lets go smoke in Penzo’s office”

Hahaha.. taha and maansi were a married couple who were giving advice because they were madly in love during the VCE. Hehehe.. The couple was on a doctor Philena show.. hehe.. go doc Phil (Claire) I mean doc. Philena.hehhe. She was counseling Ashray and Tusha..who were in love..bwhahahHAHAha….

and I dunnoz why but people seemed to like my ms. Oh impersonation.. I was really surprised when the whole place roared with laughter.. =]


Darn...didnt end up going to beach..ah wells.. trampolines were fun.. and so was walking around and gettin lost hahaha. Table tennis was good. and wah!! varuN!! you're PRO! hehe.. there was also that golf ball game where you had to knock the other peron's golf balls off the alley. that kept people entertained for quite a bit.

But yer..best of all was seeing Joshua on the trampoline!! hahaha..every second word of his was f**k and he was too scared to do a fwd flip. Because i really wanted to see him try (don't think he would had the guts) .. so i had to do one myself.. blah.. kneed myself in the mouth and had a blood nose -_-' guess he would be really wimpy if he didn't try after seeing me hahaa...

He couldn't do fwd flips but wah! backflips were pro for him..insane.. going backwards is scary..and resulting in me fallin on my face, scratched my eye *sigh*.. it was all fun =]

hehe.. uno was alright.. thankz for lending the cards ..

Spider incident! ya all wIMPS! i couldn't believe that adrian y, richard, micheal and jon were all scared of the spider.. poor creature... they killed it. It was rather big i guess..but it was outside doing no harm. .hehe.. it wanted to pick it up . got away before i did.. it was furry. bwhaha.. sometime during the camp i overheard someone say, "she's a man" bwhaha.. *smiles..i feel so proud* hahahah


Form captains -

Go reyan and karate master ivan! Hehehe… “wax on…wax off..wax on…wax off” and that was the classic moment when they WAXED ISHAN’S LEG! Owwwwwww!! Painful. >.<
Go Bman.. (Bharat).. hahha.. “Pimping ain’t easy but somebody’s gotta do it”

2nd half -
nice playing of the melody pop mambo!!
excellent piano and singing by alex and tim and joyce/carol

space jump was ace.
hahhaa..jason’s dance!! Napoleon dynamite style-ish..funny as

GO CAPTAIN PLANET!! Hehe..that skit was ace ..yep ..GO VINCENT!! Haha..he was heart. Who fainted and was presumed dead for a while.
“OMG! Marti is dead!”
“Don’t worry …we don’t need him… he doesn’t have any real powers anyway”


In the end. It’s all good. Not matter what.. were are all going through vce.. we can do it!! Hehee. And I made new friends =] Two of them named Daniel and David.. wahh..what common names.. that makes me now eLeVEN davids and NINE daniels.. that name is too common. Weird conclusion I had also came up with.. all davids are nice people =] hahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:O You met Daniel too?! As in the *new* Daniel? He was in my duty group, seemed cool. :)
Your teacher impersonations were AWESOME. And I'm sad I didn't get to be in Captain Planet :P
*sings the theme song*
It was nice to spend time with you guys Sandra :)

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never got a buddy >.< I was doing meh dinner duty at the time and missed out on a balloon.

Sorry to the dude/dudette out there that didn't get a buddy to do nice stuff to them =\.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh..."Do nice stuff FOR them"...not to them xD

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:57 PM  

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