«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Thurs 16th

Friday, December 17, 2004

Thurs 16th

Presentation night!! Eekk.. soo quickly!! The year is over, can't beleive i got award.. *shrugs..
So the whole of thursday was bombarded with rehearsals..mostly music.. aRHg..
it was soo unorganized.. very unorganized. By the time the last musical item was practising which was us, it was an hour late.. so i ended up gettin home around 5pm.. *sigh...wat a waste of time. Oh wellz..

on the night everything was fine.. argh.. and my instrument got some new dents ..nooo *sob.. to bad i can't undo it.. blah..

wat did everyone else do on presentation night?? sit there? say for the whole thing?? or where you at home doing nuffin?


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