«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Iso Day 3

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Iso Day 3

 Social Sunday!
Opened up the computer to get ready for zoom church, to find an email that announced a friends engagement . WOOOOT! First time hearing of a proposal over zoom but such is the covid-life we live. More good news came rolling in as church member announced they have a third child on the way! 

 Had a chillax brief moment after lunch (yummm healthy poke bowl like thing) reading a few chapters in the following. Interesting as it was written just as the pandemic was staring and there are moments in the book where it refers to the reader, reading as if COVID has passed! Hope to finish this read in my 14days iso. 

Chatted to neighbour across the village street who told me cases have now gone into his regional vic town. sigh. looks like vic might still be in lockdown by the time i fly back home. :(


The day ended up being one call after the other, USA, QLD and VIC. Eeek. So preoccupied i didn't even notice the dinner delivery.

Dinner ~ CURRY LASKA <3

i am definitely developing a food baby XD it occurred to me that my 14 days here are probably more nutritionally balanced than what i do back at home. 

end the night with good ol reality tv - survivor :P
oh what a life.

binge list_
Started The Gifted, an older series based on mutants
im biased, i do love anything xmen related. though there is a super high point in mutant series, and that is the casting. It natural lends itself to a multicultural cast. Acting so far is ....okay. storyline the usual, sentinels vs mutants, mutant life as second class citizens and in this series "criminals" for holding the X-gene for their dangerous disruptive power.
nothing beats the cartoons but this will do :P 



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