«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Iron Man 3: mass production

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Iron Man 3: mass production

So you ask my thoughts on the matter?
I'm probably not the best person to ask, as I haven't seen the second one. 
But lemme put it this way. What I look for and what I give IronMan 3
Cinematography- ★
Script - ★★★★ (witty, scored laugh out loud moments)
Plot - ★1/2  (predicatable.. so ..this fails in my books)
Visual Effects - ★★★★
Casting - ★★★★★ (believable roles and characters, although there was very little depth, ironic ...considering the lengthy movie)
Editing - ★★★ (smooth , seemless, nothing spectacular)
Sound - ★★★

In sum - ★★
Sorry folks, I'm not a fan of the Iron Man . But going off just the plot, there was nothing new, nothing mind bending in terms of twists and story layers. Found myself asking half way. ..wow not much has happened , this is boring, when will the climax come because there is no build up. 

Dissappointed. Dunno why the cinema clapped afterwards >.>
p.s. Stan Lee could have got a better 2 seconds of screen time too =.- 
on the side_
Best Superpower

my unbiased dislike haha. Why I'm not a fan of either. Where is their superpower?!?!! :P

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