«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: film review_

Monday, April 16, 2012

film review_

Two recommends of which i finally got round to watching_
lewl should really be called review. too lazy to type a proper one out. mini reviews =P
Bear with.

1. Persepolis
Director - Vincent Paronnaud, Marjane Satrapi

Based on the life story of Majane Satrapi.

It's incredible. the depiction of a coming of age story of a young innocent girl growing up in the Iranian Revolution, who isn't afraid to speak her mind. To which her parents decide its best for her to study aboard.

2. content keywords: war, politics, graphics, sex (gender identity), self identity, education, freedom, friendship, love, family

3. style/animation keywords: comic, graphic, raw, grim
The way it was narrated visually was rather interesting
.Flash backs dealt with in black and white from Marjane's perspective
.Flash backs within Marjane's flashbacks of her parents re-telling the history of war/government is either further stylised, reminds me of Indonesian puppetry a little
.the present is in colour (probably a total of 2mins of the film sliced through)

due to the nature of animation the laws of physics don't apply and characters, shape, line and form are all manipulated to portray tone/mood. e.g. overbearing, religious teachers

What i find fascinating apart from the animation is the plot.
growing up in a war, death, religion, pain, suffering, homelessness,
damn the main character went through a heck of a lot
but what really surprised me was that despite all that, she really lost the plot over a simple love interest. A strong willed character to fall over something so simple
baffles me.

p.s. the entire movie is in French, so you would have to read the subtitles

Nominated for Academy Award Best Animated feature 2008.
drats, lost to Ratatouille (Pixar) hmmm... ouch. close call close call...

Won jury prize - Cannes Film Fest 07

in sum_
personal stories, always get to me, love genuine story, everyone is just so incredible different
Grim yet gripping - 8.5/10

2. Up in the Air

Well first impressions. Incredibly comical. Had me laughing out loud at various scenes

Basically a slice of life into the head of Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) who's job is to travel around the US firing people. A dinosaur in his industry to be one day confronted with a young fresh mind Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) who suggests technology to take over, firing people via web conferencing. Unlikely situation where the Bringham mentors Keener into her role, using ever waking moment to realistically remind Keener her strategic aims will never successfully eventuate.

Two likes for me_
1. script
Well done. Reitman, Kim and Turner did a crafty job at using short, sharp and punchy lines.
Contrast that to the fewer moments of the film where this is longer dialogue or repeated dialogue (aka. Bingham's conference spiels) and it makes an impact. Leaving it dwell in audiences minds as the next scene unfolds

2. editing
The open sequence and closing sequence have neat symmetry. Short, close up cuts of an airport, the details and mundane aspects of going through check in/security. Through that opening first 5 minutes it set up the entire mind set of the rest of the film. It's all a process.

Due to that nature the constrast to the shaky handie-cam wedding scene was of interest.
It was a slice of life - capturing the moment.
good call.. simple technique, but worked_
chopped by images,
cross cutting,
home video style,
music overlaying the yellow toned scene contrasted to the sterile blue of the rest of the movie,
which all contributes to the temporary relief from the cold structured, process driven vibe of the opening sequence

keywords: airports, traveling, friendships, perception, career, success

Close sequence was good, clever clever, structured as an exit interview
image of the camera rolling over the clouds, literally Up in the Air

Franks input_
the movie has
anna kendrick's as well
she's super cute.
a bit rodent-faced. but super cute.

>.> lewl fair enough. Kendrick's acting was believable. the struggle between career, young hope, was entertaining to watch.

in sum_
Take a breath, a moment outside career for a birds eye view of situations and scenarios, literally up in the air.
Quick, believable, well captured - 8/10

**summary of both movies**
at the heart of it, everyone is weak for human connection to which wraps up one's identity

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Anonymous Tracy said...

Up in the Air is one of my favourite movies :)

1:01 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

ah seems like we have similar movie interests =]

10:39 PM  

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