«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: power surge

Sunday, April 15, 2012

power surge

Xavier lend me your telepathy

Immature child, you cannot have it, fathom, grasp nor need it. What good will it do you and others, when you cannot sort our your own mind? Put an end to your laziness. Pick up yourself and walk


aww okay
little redundant there with fathom and grasp
but i get the point >.>

hmm. its been too long since i did an xmen evo marathon
constantly impresses me that Steve e. Gordon stole the entire character design for the series
what a pro!

on the side_
two scary thoughts + one irrelevant blurt

1. people actually trust me
zomg be above reproach above reproach above reproach above
reproach above reproach above reproach
slightly driving me insane

2. the thought of losing one's mind with age
convo on the train with Sarah - "God kill me before I get Alzheimers"
dialogue was a few years back, i remained silent. did not know what to say

3. bye bye flawless skin
age 23, sunspots have come to take over
oh wells. had a good run lol
no complaints
and can't be bothered taking care of it either =P
sorry winnie ><"



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