«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: film | industry | buzz

Saturday, March 17, 2012

film | industry | buzz


Three words on the public agenda THE HUNGER GAMES

Set in what once was North America, but now in a time under evil rule where it is required that one young person from each of its 12 districts are selected to compete in the game - fight to the death. Hello, dystopian post-America =P

Based off the first part of the trilogy by Suzanne Collins, to which part one alone sold over 23.5 million copies in the United States alone. That is impressive for an author. impressive.

I'm not so curious as to the basic plot line but more so in the casting for this movie. Depending on how well the newbie-ish actors/actresses are supported and the screenplay, they could get so incredible big. Things could get interesting.
Aussie Actor, *cough cough* actually MELBOURNIAN ACTOR!! lol. Liam Hemsworth would be one to keep an eye on. lewl ignore the random Nickelodeon thingy in the background its unrelated =P
"My brother Chris texted me before shooting and told me to lose weight," Hemsworth tells THR. He said, 'It's called The Hunger Games, not The Eating Games!"
lewl brotherly love.

According to The Guardian, their deduction that Jennifer Lawrence being an Academy Award nominee at 20, "the Kentucky-born actor is now set for mainstream success"
I just remember her from Xmen playing Mystique XD

Her next role upcoming in 2014 seems quite the interesting. Interesting in the sense that, why cast a 22 year old to play Serena, a wife what cannot bear children in depression-era North Carolina? film status - pre-production

The other thing of interest is that the contents of the book is definitely R material, but this movie has been made to pull off a PG - Rating. *debate about its rating link*
United States - got away with it, pretty much the whole of it
Great Britain still PG like - but retouched it, to get rid of some bloody bits
Canada - if you are under 14, you need adult supervisio
Norway and Denmark - 11 year olds + allowed
Germany and Finland - 12 year olds +, Younger audiences are permitted with adult accompaniment.
And finally closer to home_
Australia and New Zealand - M Rating, for mature audiences, though attendance is not restricted.

So hmmmmmmmm, is this in an attempts to attract a greater audience? Or would this undermine the on screen action, where fans feel gibed? A question would be, if it were to keep an R rating, would it be glorified more, on the assumption they did a brilliant job of it >.>

in other news_

Conglomerate Disney might be getting into some trouble down the track. They are hoping their investments are paying off considering they paid $4 billion for Marvel and $115 million for Paramount so they could get the rights for Avengers and Iron Man.

"But competitors say one Marvel movie is not enough to offset the lack of product in the pipeline. "What should have happened is Rich should have stepped up and filled in the gaps," one says. Disney declined comment. - THR

well well well, somebody should have done a gaps analysis earlier it seems. Buying out Marvel at the time to me seemed like a strategic move, if they were able to manage it. So yer, the Avengers movie would be Disney's first release after the marvel buy out. Then again merchandise, but bigger still, theme parks are where they are racking in the $$$$$. I wonder how Disney Island is coming long. THEY BOUGHT AN ISLAND! my gosh

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