Monday, February 27, 2012


STAGE FRIGHT!!! post a lot about this but here is the website if you wanted to read up on it *link*

In short, an arts fundraiser supporting Able Australia (working with disabilities) and platform for emerging young artists/dancers/musicians aka talent , organised by Thai Nguyen who happened to be an old tuition buddy of mine.

was a scorching 38 degree something day. and BOy WAS IT HOOOT~!! *melts*
Train-ing it in with FungFace, VMa and Will TJ. what an interesting bunch ol peoples.

the day ended up being a glenny reunion for myself, and catching up with friends I had not seen in a while from high year levels. interesting where people are heading these days in terms of life direction. Most of my 25-27 year old friends are "on a break" from their career they commenced in to either_
a) be convicted of doing something else and champion that cause or
b) on holiday having returned from an overseas trip e.g. europe, japan

funny thing. this generation of ours, if we don't like it, we quit, first to step out of the door pursue other interests. because?? well simple because we can .

but if you look at our parents, they probably only had 2 careers, and four jobs within those industries, and our grandparents - 1 career which they got stuck in.

according to the lecture i sat in today, we (yer, you that is reading this space) have an average of 7 careers in our lifetime. that's ..quite a lot 0_____0

anyway enough rambling.. pictures~!

raffle prizes
artists selling fantastical work
and this was what i was doing 12 hours later.... zonked out with friends upon jeewee's return after a yet again disappointing La Porchetta meal in glenny, to find ourselves playing human limbo, throwing grapes at each other and exercising our imagination in Pictureka!

what a day...........

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