«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: quote unquote

Saturday, January 28, 2012

quote unquote

aww how sweet. ...NOT!

that is just creepy.

1. dreaming during sleep is essentially meaningless and ineffective for governing everyday reality
(athough many -a-times it reflects our recent relatity, its like our brain is lagging and sleep is when it catches up with processing silly non-essential things, like oh that funny looking girl at the icecream store, or the dead cat that was on the side of the road, or it was raining etc etc )

2. you can dream all you like, but it won't change anything, if you don't act on whatever you desire e.g. if you want to pass VCE. dreaming won't do squat without study.

3. if you cannot communicate with someone face-to-face, or over the phone, how in the world do you think you will telepathically gain their favour through dreaming. We sadly ain't all Charles Xaviers

4. the idea of a "we" in this quote, is SO incredibly selfish. the context for 'we' is based on the individual "I" dreaming it up, and fooling myself that it is to be.

5. wow love can be so one directional its silly.

neh. enough said.

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