«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: belated Daylesford pictures!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

belated Daylesford pictures!

dad managed to take a break from his crazy restaurant hours for a road trip
calm...very calm
some chapel building thingy somewhere famous for weddings
caught the carols by candlelight there
what a sense of community
parents letting kids roam free,
not afraid of any one nicking em etc etc
this tree stump had me mesmerized for quite some time
Lavender farm - smelly sea of purple =P
old school
drive back made it to Hanging Rock, unfortunatly we missed the opening hours to hike up. bleeeh.. next destination for road trip~ ! how's up for it? (we have to watch the movie first of course =P and for you losers that don't know what im talking about shame on you, Australia film culture Picnic at Hanging Rock (lewl i kid))

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