«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: sigh

Monday, January 09, 2012


hmmmm...what do you come home to daily?

"you're hopeless"

i know coming from an Asian family, they probably say that out of love under all that bitter tone and hateful scorn.

but that stuff cuts a person. seriously.

no matter how you push it to the side, or live life to please the folks (which given reality will never work) or just live life given the context of glorifying God,

issues arise.

but i guess... if you do your part & try.. its up to them to reconcile their issues, world view and outlook of where they are in the relationship


got a lifetime to sort this one out.
oh wells. i'm not giving up that easily >: ]

but it does truly suck . the first words i heard this morning, as i opened my eyes ready to embrace full time work,

"hopeless" - dad

are you kidding me?? =___="

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Blogger jediteoh said...

My friends and I have talked about this before. Asian parents seem to be less open about being supportive or congratulatory , but I think they just don't know how to show (comes from their tough Asian background maybe). I look at my family and it seems like both myself and my siblings draw upon our friends more for that support, but I still couldn't do many things in my life without my parents.

Anyway, you're not alone and you are definitely not useless =]

Good luck with full time work! Starting mine next week.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

im really shocked that after 10 years +, they still cannot articulate two wells "oh nice" or "good job" lol

its so bizarre. So i genuinely ask, do you really think I am hopeless?
and they respond by walking away. i guess that the best they can do XD

ohla! good luck for your job!!!

8:39 PM  

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