update of trek
kay. so i cannot upload photos coz this computer doesn't have an SD card slot. but i guarantee you the pictures are AWESOME! =P (so images from google atm)

hmm.. lets see where have a i been worth mentioning.
national parks_

- badlands. reminded me of grand canyon. did two hikes. the notch hike was much more dangerous than the first. dang we get so close to cliff edges on this trek of mine.
Marleen feel, but over her own feet and got a horrible scratch XD

- mt rushmore ( a lot smaller than what we expected) people had fun posing next to the heads e.g. picking their nose, being the 5th head, putting sunglasses on them etc etc. Hmm..not that respectful but almost half the tourists were doing that.
I have no idea how talented Jefferson was 0__0 He was a jack of all trades, science, politics, arts etc etc.

atm its like this

should be like this ^
- crazy horse (was incredible!) i dont have time to explain it so here - http://www.crazyhorsememorial.org/
but basically mt rushmore heads fit into its forehead. that's how freakin massive this potential mountain sculpture shall be.

visited Wall Drug the infamous tourist attraction which is basically one massive ass shop that sells everything and anything.
it has billboards advertising for it a State away lol. we did our kris kringle here. and everyone had to where their items or take them with them into the cinemas the following night when we watched Hangover 2. hahaa. we were carrying around pet hamsters, feathered hats, whips, and plastic guns and a walk-a-long duck. my gift was a keychain, so less ridiculous. thanks lilian!!! =]
but everyone in the shopping mall (yes i said mall!) looked at us funny.

Jackson Hole
COW BOY TOWN! and very touristy, reminded me of Banff in canada minus the australian's carryin around skis or snowboards.
summary - snuck a 19yr old into a bar, who got crazy drunk =.= what happens in jackson stays in jackson lewl.
and we witnessed a fail shot out. how disappointing. the flyer did a misprint, and printed the rehearsal date to being the actual event. boooo.
Elk stuff everywhere in this town!
I've chowed down cow/bull testicles >.>, elk burger, buffalo burger, and a combo of the two meats which tasted like kangaroo.
currently in Chicago!! and its it AWESOME. zomg the best city ive visited so far in my life. then again i cannot make this statement as i only spent three hours riding a bike through the city from 7pm day light to 10pm nighttime. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! minus the fact i almost crashed into the crash bin and fell into the Chicago river or something.

A pack or 20+ people riding bikes and taking up the ENTIRE LANE on the road lewl.
loved it. the sights we rode through were just jaw dropping and the buildings that light up at night were just woah.
on nuts ran out of time to blog.
im goina go on a private aircraft wooohooo. kick ass siteseeing. yay friends around the world lol
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