last days at ihouse. belated posts. oops
last two weeks have been hectic as. hence behind in uploading anything.
last ihouse party was Saturday night. was really great. but i only stayed for 2omins as it became dangerous. too much beer split on the floor. slippery and hazardous. poor mayura fell.
being me, i hung around the food. yay chips and red velvet choc cupcakes, of which i nicked a box for Emmanuel.
last meal at ihouse was dinner.
topic of conversation was Johannes' poll of "Do you prefer guys that shave their arm pit hair".
"do you shave your arm pit hair? It gets smelly, yuck" johannes
" you just shower then" santiago
The conclusion. "apparently its a German guy thing to do" weird. lol
grr.. tomas, susie and mayura bought me this dress, so i had to wear it

last ihouse party was Saturday night. was really great. but i only stayed for 2omins as it became dangerous. too much beer split on the floor. slippery and hazardous. poor mayura fell.
being me, i hung around the food. yay chips and red velvet choc cupcakes, of which i nicked a box for Emmanuel.
last meal at ihouse was dinner.
"do you shave your arm pit hair? It gets smelly, yuck" johannes
" you just shower then" santiago
The conclusion. "apparently its a German guy thing to do" weird. lol
checking out Susie's travel diary and amending her memories lol
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