reload, point and SHOOT!! (LA take 2)
so I arrived after sleeping only 3 hours of sleep to take a shuttle bus with Marieke, whom was ace company! Ah it is sad to leave ihouse, the whole goodbye thing. But im quite keen on it not being a goodbye because i intend to travel and visit all these countries eventually =]
anywho. james' cousin so willingly picked me up from the airport and took me to a shooting range in Burbank LA (the place where Tim Burton grew up~!).
wooooooooooooooooT! i didn't drive in the US. but I SHOT REAL GUNS and had some decent dead center fires.
but first stop.. dun dun dun.. the FAMOUS

their menu is so simple!
everything is made FRESH!
even the chips... potatoes down a slicer machine thing
its a Christian owned business apparently. everything is open in the kitchen to see and there is nothing to hide.
i like =]
my friend sam =]
soo back to guns..
played with a MP5 bwhahaha (kid. but its pretty much identical), Sig 22 or something and a
Glock. with .22 inch rounds? 9mm and 10mm and something he just referred to as the 45. I'm a total beginner and learnt how to dissemble and reassemble a gun ^_^
Austrian and German guns are apparently good
so i learnt how to take it apart and put it back together again. AWESOME!
me with 3hours of sleep
ohlala. they film CSI here too. lol since, warner bros studios is across the road.
results from my FIRST EVER SHOOTING experience.
not bad for 3hours sleep, and one eye with incredibly bad vision =P
distance range 4-7meters today. surprisingly shooting from that range is harder than ya think
i liked this target the best. whee shoot the red.
then flipped it around and shot the back. I HIT THE CENTER TWICE!! WOOOOT
then drove into Chinatown and Japantown =]

anywho. james' cousin so willingly picked me up from the airport and took me to a shooting range in Burbank LA (the place where Tim Burton grew up~!).
wooooooooooooooooT! i didn't drive in the US. but I SHOT REAL GUNS and had some decent dead center fires.
but first stop.. dun dun dun.. the FAMOUS
everything is made FRESH!
even the chips... potatoes down a slicer machine thing
its a Christian owned business apparently. everything is open in the kitchen to see and there is nothing to hide.
i like =]
soo back to guns..
played with a MP5 bwhahaha (kid. but its pretty much identical), Sig 22 or something and a
Glock. with .22 inch rounds? 9mm and 10mm and something he just referred to as the 45. I'm a total beginner and learnt how to dissemble and reassemble a gun ^_^
Austrian and German guns are apparently good
so i learnt how to take it apart and put it back together again. AWESOME!
ohlala. they film CSI here too. lol since, warner bros studios is across the road.
not bad for 3hours sleep, and one eye with incredibly bad vision =P
one round flicked me in the face. ouchie.
and the 10mm .... you can feel the heat against ya forehead!
and the 10mm .... you can feel the heat against ya forehead!
then drove into Chinatown and Japantown =]
so awesome! I've always wanted to go a shooting range!! and of course eat famous burgers!
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