Backtracking in blogging. We hiked on a nice sunny day but the grounds were still covered in snow and certain trails were closed because of it. Despite, the delay in what would have been a 45min hike whilst we took 2hours, we made it to the waterfall. YAY! And was able to take the boat back which only took 5mins. Lol, we should have done that at the start. But it was fun, treading on areas where there were no footprints, getting lost and every now and then, accidentally sinking your legs knee deep into the snow.

the half of the group that made it to the top =]

so tranquil

snow 0_0 (yes that is a jacket from walgreens =P)

yay group pic!
Snippets from the trip thus far (or more like summary)_
Santa Barbara was still by far the best weather we had experienced and that was Day 1 lol. Everything kinda when cold from there, until recently when it changed dramatically to 35 degree days! Humid and hot hot HOT!
Loving the camping, waking up to the sunrise and the birds chirping away and pretty much just nature. Shall miss it.
Car rides have been listening to random music on people’s ipods (of which Party Rock Anthem seems to be a huge favourite), playing UNO, celebrity heads, riddles, sketching, reading…OH! We stopped by a gas station one time and at the door were New Testaments!! So I picked up my free copy. Finally,, been craving for God’s Word, and its just soo good.=P (accidently left my Bible in Ihouse if you were wondering =.=) It’s a ministry by Highway Melodies INC. and they address truckies directing to take the Romans road, highlighting key verses along the way, pointing to God’s grace and love shown by Jesus. Been reading quite a bit in the car, and picked up a Daily Bread book at Wall Drug (the most randomist side road drug store stop that sells everything you can possibly imagine). It’s not really a drug store, but a bakery, restaurant, camping gear, clothing, cake, souvenir, toy, shoe, utility, jewelry store etc etc It’s also an arcade and playground ahaha.
Yellowstone & Yosemite pictures_
lol i have no idea when i can post these. transferring pics on my usb is taking forever, because macbook thinks that thing is full but isn't
Labels: travel, trek, USA
on a mac, when you delete files from your usb, you have to empty the trash with the usb still in otherwise it is still there
btw some asians from sydney made a parody of party rock anthem a couple days ago and it's been pretty popular lol
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