«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: religion

Thursday, February 17, 2011


religion is an interesting topic - an equally insightful one and divider at the same time.
It can be seen as tradition and rituals with at times, no meaning, just the same mind numbing activities again and again. Or some explain it more so as a lifestyle, one chooses to live. Being a lifestyle it isn't necessarily the routine of cleaning certain sacred objects or partaking in certain festivities.

what is really catching my attention of late is different people's perspective of a deep meaningful relationship between male and female or just friends if you put it at that. Listening to other people, scholars and also God's word ie. what the bible has to say to shed insight on the matter.

Despite many critiques of the Bible which i will not go into, but I'll just pick up on the notion that it is unwise to investigate in such a meaningful relationship if two people differ on world views. Unwise being, you won't receive what you seek in this area, it will just result in disappointment and frustration.

2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

These world views do not have to be as serious as to how the world began, or why we live or where or if there is such thing as purpose in reality; it could go from things like political stance (left vs right) work ethic (eastern vs western) or even eating habits (vegan vs cannibalism).
It just brings out a huge incompatible-ness to the scene.
If a house is laid on two different foundations by two different men, it is rather difficult for the house to stand unified.

The above verse will obviously have its meanings and values to a Christian but its not saying that you aren't to love or befriend people of different beliefs but rather when it goes down a path of 'what is your purpose in life' then it shall be an issue. Deep deep connections between friends will probably have similar life values at its core. so you can say love, but what is this "love", are their definitions even the same..something to think about...

i was brought to think about this topic, partly to my surrounds and partly because my host family couple was one of Buddist background the other Jewish, with a kid that is into pets. It would have been interesting to meet them to see how their lifestyles unfolded, a Buddist, Jew and Christian in the same room. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to met them, as sortly after I emailed them, the program office emailed back saying that they were going through a divorce and this notice was received on Valentines day.

Currently emailing my new host family, a graduate student and a christian campus minister..

things shall be interesting....

on the side_
don't ya just dislike how consumerism instructs and manipulates
on its suggestive powers of what one should do one a particular day.
i feel sorry for all the boys standing outside the flower shop

everyone at Ihouse is getting sick Y_Y

still need to plan spring break!



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