«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: PHOTOS FROM A FAR! (finally)

Friday, January 28, 2011

PHOTOS FROM A FAR! (finally)

*thanks to justin for letting me borrow ya laptop to upload all these pics XD


i don't really understand what it means to be a "college town" but from what i gather, the places is populated by students (35,000) and all the stores are mainly targeting students.
We buy our readers OFF CAMPUS! how odd, and there are many copy stores in the area which could take 10mins a walk to buy a reader for one subject. annoying.

the above picture is not of a university store, but rather a clothing store down the road opposite campus. THERE IS SOO MUCH MERCHANDISE!!! its not funny. EVERYONE SELLS CAL GEAR. even the local pharmacy sells berkeley clothes. weird!

hoodie designs = 20!!!
cal stickers/labels of anything you can imagine, pens, pompoms, banners, cups, mugs, socks, cutlery, slippers, keyrings, drink bottles, they have a DRINK BRAND called Cal Muscle and its like choc milk.

SAN FRANCISCO TRIP! (as cal student you get free bus travel!! awesome)
corner of the roads have very interesting buildings.

i didnt end up trying one, they say NY is the place for themhttp://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1393.snc4/164514_122321064507877_100001899534846_168400_4629957_n.jpg
the pier. ...cooolllld
city centre. looks so fake eh?!?!
but yer..everything is extremely elegantly grand.. so many pillars 0_0http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs279.snc6/180729_122321364507847_100001899534846_168426_523373_n.jpg
local street views
cable cars =]
UN Building . ps. that's not me, someone had to walk into the picture Y_Y

oldest building on campus maybe
famous bell tower, 64 bells up there and someone actually sits there
and plays music for everyone to hear at certain times of the day!
there was a class where you can learn how to play.
but after a visit up there.. no thanks. looks so complex!http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs074.snc6/168404_122317651174885_100001899534846_168334_3035095_n.jpg
library reading rooms 0_0
a lot of the buildings look like this. this one is of the library

the business school tutorial rooms
SERIOUSLY! looks like a court room jury area theme
the berkeley art museum down the road
(this pics off google =P)

*visit here for neat pics!! http://www.berkeley.edu/photos/buildings/

where im staying
its a maze inside
my half of the room.
i dont intend of sticking stuff over the walls. keeping it bauhaus style
(Bauhasu was an art movement in Germany from 1919-1933ish that
lived for practicality and function. ie. don't design a shirt with collars
and buttons if there is no need for them)

eheh thanks frank for the present!! ya can see it in the room!
comes in extremely handy!!

on the side_
Lab site aerial photo
the campus is huge
this yellow thing is just the scientific laboratories
and here is the stuff below it..
the enormity of campus 0_0
and i dont think that captures the whole lot
it is missing the gym and football stadium i think

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Anonymous Monica said...

yay photos!!!

2:52 PM  
Anonymous tracy said...

buy me some cal mechandise please, i'm not even joking, i will pay you back, i plan to collect all this crap

2:02 PM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...

SANDRA, I wish i did exchange now. looks so incredibly FUNNNNNN

7:11 PM  

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