«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: photos from the past week!

Saturday, February 05, 2011

photos from the past week!

okay so this one isn't from the past week.
but ZARG! if you look closely some lucky ass people get a balcony with
their room!!! I noticed this when I walked past one of their rooms,
when their door was open and it seemed like someone was levitating outside=P
cultural week and Egyptian dancing.
err..my camera is seriously affected after being
dropped too many times XD
ohla! diary which i dunno how long i will keep up =P
moi desk, of which nothing besides that organey/
red book on the bottom left hand corner is actually study

some guys snapped this whilst we were at dinner

me in a suit =P someone said the guy on the right looked
like my sibling.. grrr =P

helping a friend make some party snacks
here is a picture of me, there mum/victor happy now=pthe room i stayed in when visiting Sacramento!

can you spot me in the governer's office?

view from inside looking out of the capitol building
Capitol building where important people have meetingshttp://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs791.ash1/168132_124561970950453_100001899534846_181654_2469009_n.jpg
old school town !

candy sold by the BUCKET LOAD

more candies!

sunset from fourth floor =]

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Anonymous Momotsuki said...

Did you meet the Governator?

4:06 PM  
Anonymous monica said...

LOL mum said, "that dude does look like he could be your sibling"

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Chun said...

Awesome pics Sandra!! Looks like you're having a blast! =D And new friends!! And SIBLING?? XD

9:38 AM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...


7:06 PM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Great photos, looks so fun there!

8:58 PM  

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