«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: quick splat post!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

quick splat post!

okay. so

despite me being rather disappointed, frustrated, and slightly sad.. about the fact that around this time .. people have to let go of friends, and leave to accept that they have different priorities and seeing myself/sharing stuff isn't on that list. *sigh* selfish ..i know..but its in my definition of friendship.. it doesn't end. =P

but I still have a knack of bumping into people randomly and having a nice chat^^ not about the weather or trivial stuff like..oh look over there ..that's so shiny! But rather, a personal account of how they are and what' they get up to / plan to. its quite nice ^^

so them being_
wilfred @ spring concert!
william @ acmi!
barton, sean and that rarely seen in public 'NICK FUN! @ frank's


sean zhao!
winnie & james

oh..and I ALSO CANT BELIEVE IT WAS A DRAW!!!!http://images.theage.com.au/2010/09/25/1948473/final19_480833252-600x400.jpg

was looking forward to the saints willing..not that im a fan or anything XD

ya know what will be funny?

if the Melbourne cup was also a draw =P



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