«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: well well well...

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

well well well...

if the university hasn't already irked its students

this certainly will..

mid sems.. assessments..lectures..content..rescoures.. have all been dumped on this interface which...


The LMS is currently unavailable due to technical issues.
ITS are aware of the issue and are urgently investigating to restore LMS service ASAP.

5pm UPDATE: The technical teams are still working to restore as soon as possible.
We apologise for the disruption and inconvenience.

LMS Latest...

LMS OUTAGE and LOSS OF DATA: 1st Sept 2010:
Due to technical difficulties beyond our control the LMS has suffered some loss of data.
Specific details will be published as they become known.


on the side_
im trying to build my vocab...(spelling comes later lewl)
did i use irk in the right context LOL



Blogger jason said...

nice try, sandra lol
but it seems a little awkward when used like that

seems like you were aiming more for something like 'frustrated' am i right?
feelings of exasperation maybe?

9:47 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

lol okie.

i was looking for out to annoy intentionally lol

3:36 PM  

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