«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: Swot Vac dumps

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Swot Vac dumps


blog = outlet coz im goina be a hermit..

*has whipped out study table lewl.

i cant believe im soo not-strong-will'd that i have to study on a particular table and can only concerntrate there.. Y_Y
its so lame. its a mind game. that table = study, anything else = GUILTY
its like ya favourtite pen.. must have it to write, well. ..but actually its what's in your head that counts once articulated on paper, not so much the pen itself.. if any acknowledgement could ever go to the pen
dang. so childish.

found a similar place at uni, bailleu libary ground floor, tables that are near the windows that no body really goes to.. coz its dead quiet,
corner private desk on silent floor of the biomed library

on those occassions i can be still for 4 counts without breaks.

in front of the home computer.. noo such luck .

anywho.. back on track. the next zillion or so posts will be random squadabble admist art/sci crammage.

lewl at my notes thus far on Enteric Nervous System_
.twitching between localised stationery contractions of liquid content
.upper bowel like water -> squish -> squash water in both directions -> turbulant flow = mixing

yes ..coz i will actually write squish in the exam.. very very scientific


on the side_

has settled for America because OF COMIC CONVENTIONS
ZOMG *squeals-like-a-girl*



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