«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: procrastination's ponderings..

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

procrastination's ponderings..

why move out and live away from home...

when you can GO ON EXCHANGE..and kill two birds with one stone?!!
a) live away from home
b) travel and embrace a new culture!!!

and you would gain so much more out of that experience too!!
1. independence
2. insight/wisdom
3. time management
4. communication
5. self control/discipline
6. a better sense of direction ><"
7. college life
8. yummy food

well.. hopefully anyways. =P

any English speaking country

currently most interesting_
University of Davis,
The College of Arts & Sciences (University of Pennsylvania)

soo..anyone recommend a uni in the States for me? =]


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