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Friday, August 21, 2009

there is a war burning beneath my ribcage

i cannot tell what it is.

its not rage.
its not frustration.
its not loss

maybe its a mixture of them all in a weird weird way

but its not going away

and willinging it to stop isnt working

if pain is a property of my mind...and thus I may willfully defeat it...

then this is not pain i'm feeling....

its something beyond me

its really annoying and not going away
twisting burning yelling inside inside inside

i would imagine it to be the equivalent of pouring listerine over a newborn's eyes

so sick wicked and twisted is this "feeling" inside me...

its been 6 hours XD
its growing...

please take it away



Blogger sisterr enkst said...

oh geez, prayin for ya.

2:24 AM  

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