«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: its been a while

Monday, August 17, 2009

its been a while

out of routine....

i used to keep a diary..

like ..hmm.. in year 12. everyday entries
then it got too crazy with the amount of work i do everyday.. it took an hour min. to cover the things i did..

so i scrapped it..

but i figure i might go back into that.. at least it would keep me writing pen to paper! and attempt to improve my english/vocab/spelling or..speed i look words up in a dictionary.

but yer anywho. the more you live. the more experiences you have. the more people you bump into and the more insights you have | parallel to the heart breaks you bring upon others and yourself. if it hurts myself so much.. i exactly place myself into their subjective pain felt.. just cannot...
but definitely can empathise ..then again pplz question that too as i think "differently to others" perceiving things on a completely different scale..
but seriously. if you were to fMRI scan me, my cingulate, insula and prefrontal regions of my brain would be greatly inflamed!! GREATLY..

and scientifically that is legit. components of the pain matrix that are active when we experience pain empathetically. so there =P it counts!

oh yer ..back to what i was talking bout.. lalala..
i havent blogged in a whiles in relation to what i've been doing.. so....

here is a feeble attempt_

today i caught the train with matt, dany, farbio (zomg i cant spell your name sorries)
tram with robert + HARRY!! ZOMG ZOMGZOG HARRY! you are my inspiration. even if you spelt in and missed your lecture and is completely lost and took the wrong tram to uni =P
hmm..maybe i should join band and catch up with you on a weekly basis XD lewl

one lecture. geeeezzzz

LUNCH AT SAMURAI's - glenferrie. i really like the place. the private room is awesome.
and i wouldnt have wanted to spend it with anyone else.. well.except maybe jason chan XD.. but you slept in =.="
clay thian lingpeng adam yan

stupid things you do not need to know.
green tea ice creams tastes really strongly weird
clay makes uber inappropriate dinner table comments like "then i can inappropriately touch you " ZOMG YOU PSYCHO
Nintendo DSi makes really crazy wraping photos

class at 4.15-6.15
soo not the concerntrating.
train back with di + friend, andrew, daniel.

wish daniel happy 21st THIS SATURDAY!!

he is a busy busy man!!


well..he said it was this sat. XD

on the side_

i think i shall investigate career options in HR
also considering a graphic design internship
hmm..might screw up my degree even more though


Blogger sisterr enkst said...

hey hey, sorry i disappeared rudely the other evening. things were drama drama.

anyway. i live for my diary. pretty much. it's like my bible...or my 2nd bible. sadly i probably refer to it for guidance much more frequently than i do the actually bible...which i probably should look into...now

wahaha. anywayyyy, VOTE 1 DIARIES/PLANERS/etc etc.

they will save your life and ensure you never double book or forget an assignment again!

11:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL i totally love green tea ice cream its my favourite flavour besides pistachio

6:27 PM  
Blogger sisterr enkst said...


3:18 PM  

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