«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: asdfasht oq34' hoak hd,sh galmhg 'ag

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

asdfasht oq34' hoak hd,sh galmhg 'ag

such little things can really tick me off..

and i fear that this rAge inside me will do harm not only to myself yet others too...

words cannot be taken back

actions cannot be taken back

im much better at controlling this insane attribute of mine..but the thing is ..its always there.. lurking.. waiting for when i "give up" to take advantage of the situation...

physical aggression

something that has festered inside me since i was a kid

unsettling turns and tumbles
boiling within my ribcage
pushing its boundaries


i no longer want to be bound by this...
shall not confirm to this...
break free
e x i t.

fixing things
are a zillion times easier said than done
but they should be done
and laziness and complacency
an e x c u s e

don't let those little things.. accumulate ..dont bottle in.
but confront
and deal
and confess
and control

don't squash the precious ties that are actually holding you together



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