«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: she sees the rainbow!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

she sees the rainbow!

yer that's completely random
but anyways!!!


so what i mean is.. *travel back in times say a year ago*

ya know that feeling or though process when you wonder what an old mate is up to..coz ya havent seen them in ages..

and nothing conscious triggered that aspect.. it could be completely random.. like say.. i was spacing out and ohla. wonder what bob is up to.

so specifically those REALLY REALLY random spontaneous moments...
not the ones where ya see a color, or symbol or another person or an object that reminds/ triggers/ provides transition into the though to be of the person ya about to think about.

sO for those genuinely unexplained moments
what follows is that you do actually bump into the person .. within the next 30 secs to my experience..

and the majority of the time the location would be the toilets. Y_Y dont ask why.

but. yer..

what are the chances....of seeing JEREMY AGAIN!!!! after i crushed his heart oh sooo badly ...hmm lets say a year of ignoring me?? =P

saw someone that looked like him ..walked off.. in rush..

then BANG. he calls...

"did you just walk into the toilet?"


it was him!

for someone that lives a zillion suburbs away.. nice timing =p

thank you for forgiveness

thank you for hope

thank you for faith

i want and can now fix what ive scattered

"Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa

if i can start all over

i would

i DO


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