«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the crux of it....

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

the crux of it....

define` l o v e _

"The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth." - M. Scott Peck, M.D

someone's analysis of the definition_
Love cannot be sustained by mutual dependence; rather, love between two parties is made stronger when they are completely independent of one another.
personally i don't get that statement
..maybe not made stronger between two parties..but if it's independent..it s more obvious it exists there

and smack that with biblical basis_

"... is the extension of one's self for the purposes of another's spiritual growth, which means helping them to know God the Father through Jesus and become more like Him." - Nat

coz God IS LOVE! called to share and love one another through the love He showed us first!

how niffy is that ?? ^^

the .what. how. why. explained!

there is a difference between like and love.
it is easy to like someone.
get along with them well. enjoy their company. laughing together. lighthearted

but it is v. difficult to love someone you don't like.
sacrifices. time. endurance. prayer. faith. hope. wholehearted
come to mind.

on that note
i love


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