«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: updates*

Saturday, May 24, 2008


holy moly >_>

yer.. everyone's soo soo soo hectic!!!

Tis that time of year of stress, partying and printing out all of the lecture notes since week one ,_,!


But yer. today is saturday..and what a lovely sat morn it is.. always full ..bright..sunshine.. ahhh..
dang..my english is going way down..below prep level almost -.-

probably because i wake up at 11am rather than the usual 7 ..for uni..when the sun isnt even out! okay .. exaggeration.. but at 6am ..its defineately not out.. and coold... sooo coooollld..

car caked in ice XD

hmm.. new experiences since last post

may 15th-
.dinner provided at work despite it not being a weekend
.used a payphone
.lecture's hand span is 25cm..so both is half a meter
random fact ya might not need to know

16th -
.being entertained by balancing a post office poster tube for ages
.wasabi icecream was good..until aftertaste.. STRONG!
.vodka gross!

17th -
.wake up to a table full of left overs from bakers =] pig out breakfast!
.1st horn ^^
.latest night out.1am

18th -
.shoe shopping in 10mins didnt realise the store was bout to close in 5mins =.=

19th -
.carnival churro flinders st. one is better than glen

20th -
"Are you single?" -edward
bwhahahaaa.. no im doing a double degree =P

21st -

22nd -

23rd -
.taken by surprise by an aussie bloke on the tram.
i ish..sitting on my sketch book of plants collected..gah..
too upp soo much space..
jabbed people with the kangaroo grass sticking out -.-

and he just starts naming them 0_0
WOAH! the grass looks all the same..but he knew scientific name too.
turns out he is an ecologist..but more of the zoology side..but he still
knows he plants for inspections of sites and stuff..
but yer.. thanks to the world's twisted way of stereotyping.. i thought he wasnt an ecologist.
this outfit, blonde hair, blue eyes, boots, and pieced ears gave impression of ..just the average guy that has no interest in latin names of plants =P

24th -
.Asher is a biblical name .meaning = happy [genesis 30:13]
.found out there are more ring tones on my phone
.[fast forward: gotta figure out how to get down to doncaster then heidelberg.]
goina be a late night.


Blogger msquyenho said...

love the pic sandra!

hehe that's a super duper update. o__o remember to still take time out to enjoy the sunshine despite all that studying. btw when holidays come around can you help me decorate my shoes? would be greatly appreciated ^__^

9:47 PM  
Blogger Ritzy said...

ah.. sure sure.. cant wait till holidays..

creative explosions bwhahahah

3:37 PM  

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