«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the day it hailed spontaneously >.>

Sunday, May 11, 2008

the day it hailed spontaneously >.>

yer...it was a while ago.. had some photos. ..havent uploaded it ..so here is it. =P
no i dont usually bring a camera to uni.. it was for the free farm excursion =]

7.52am train =.='
why are they so awake
frank was our guide around coles
and we got fortune cookies

bumped into daniel and friend at uni
suits 0_0??

bumped into ivan, tushar, vas too.
haha nice poses =P
the view while we wait for the bus -.-
bus ride
snaps people behind me
0_0 i was suprised.
we look v. artifical and stuck on in the natural environment

woaH. the trees look so fake.. wait.
everything looks fake in this shot XD

tree ness.

tree shade!
bus home

v. muddy shoes -.-


Blogger sisterr enkst said...

yayyy! pictures!
if pictures really did speak a thousand words. you have your 15000word narrative right there!

10:59 PM  

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