«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: monash visit

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

monash visit

it's incredible

despite the uni being so massive.. car parks and space and all..
everyone gathers in the same place. campus centre?

caught up with reyan, abs, tracy, ruth, pat, chun, jasmine, kirstyn, adrienne, guochai, tim, kelvin, vincent, julian and my brother.

and met lots of pplz along the way.

i feel at home at monash. and i dont know why 0_0
probably because it techincally IS close to glenny...
melbourne...city..so far so far T_______________T

but the four hours all up of public transport that monday was productive...
cranbourne train = study ..hahahhaah

on the side_
new experiences.. oh yer. forgot to write up on it..where are some

may 4 - prayer meeting ..wow..havent been that early to church before...
besides the time we forgot bout daylight savings lol

may 5- driving in slippers

may 6 - breathed 100% oxygen @_@ brain fuzzy

may 7 - witnessed "tim stress"

may 8 - someone asked if i was an artist ^-^
(but no im not. just studying for plants test =.-)

may 9 - witnessed two 20+ year old males wrestling outburst

may 10 - arrived home to a silent house.
everyone was in bed 0_0

may 11 - new curfew of 10PM on bed =.= i hate mothers day
..a new rule every year
she better not remember this one

may 12 - jim beam (tastes disgusting)

may 13 - jenny came to a LECTURE!
drove into the letterbox
left side mirror gone
okay...yet another reason why my car is unroadworthy
should get that speed meter fixed.
too much on my mind
edit: too much un-caught-up work on my mind.

may 14 - SUSHI TRAIN!!! at gLENNY!
go try and support davy's sis' business
hahaa. nice food ..
im so full
if there was a scale for satisfaction... i think my massive
burp tipped it


Blogger Pierre said...

Wow .. you hit a letter box. I congratulate you haha XD! Atleast you got a car that will take you from point A to point B.

And also, was sushi train expensive?

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEah we're all planning on sushi training soon. But everyone says to wait cuz exams are coming up soon and stuff so it might be holidays. Or at least until i decide i can't wait no longer and want to go LOL!

HAHA my car just went in for servicing apparantly i was driving on extremely flat tires. Oops

10:01 AM  

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