«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ahhh...one day i'll live a carefree one..in a fictional land...of stop motion goodness

Sunday, March 16, 2008

ahhh...one day i'll live a carefree one..in a fictional land...of stop motion goodness

yer. youtube the rest if ya want..

but i'll be there.

Sun 30th March 1pm

Komaneko is a burgeoning animator who creates her own puppets and sets and films them in stop-motion style. She has a series of adventures with her friends Radi-Bo, a ghost and a Bigfoot-like creature whom she tries to film with her 8mm camera. Featuring a sweet soundtrack with little dialogue, except a few strategically placed meows, Japan's first major stop-motion animated film depicts new friendships, creativity and the conflicting emotions that accompany a childhood filled with wonder. Australian premiere!

Payments: Booking office, Online, Telephone
Cost: All tickets $5


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