«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: slightly disheartened for 2 seconds. . .

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

slightly disheartened for 2 seconds. . .

just being in your presence makes my day (:
even if it's a city block away LOL
i dont know many pplz that are joyous just to know that someone's alive XD
okie. i guess whoever read that line just thought the opposite...ie. so you think about people dying..?
Nah i dont think about that ..more so the fact that they are living...doing things.. potentially exciting things...that they themselves are constantly finding fulfilling things ta do /shrugs/

"you're the most weirdest girl ive ever talked to" - nick

"why are you so happy....i swear you are so lost" - michael

ANYWAYS!.. back on topic.
finally was able to book an arts interview after frikin 1 hour wait in line =.='
ending up buying physio text book. hahah..beat anik to it. bleh. only five bucks diff anyways. =P
*reads carefully* bio chem was only "highly recommended"....
so it wasnt a pre-req..
why did i pick it?
OH YER! it was to be in the same class as lyndon. LOL!
bumped into both lab partners today. bwhahaha..
"just you wait..i'll get you into anime" - Lex
BWHAHAHAHAH! i couldnt stop laughing...
had to walk away..because i couldnt stop laughing at him.
shame on me =.="
Lunch/caught up with...srigala (oh der. i cant spell!!), JOYCE MA!,aaron ..dang med/perfect score-ers hangout =O
lyndon, anthony + ZOMG! BOBBY FLYNN performing @ north court today
then study at biomed library 0_0!
half the reason why i want to hang around you.. you make me study ><

all in all.. it was a good four hour break


Blogger solace said...

Long live DNA!

9:23 PM  
Blogger Hayashi said...

obviously system administration rocks

9:30 PM  

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