«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: frive frikin frank star week

Saturday, March 01, 2008

frive frikin frank star week

*sorry in advance for mispelt names.. i cant be bothered thinking =P


Derr..headed into uni to change stupid ass timetable. At least the clashes are gone.
Dropped biochem. =.=' Sat there ...listening to lady in charge complaining about the stressful job she has, their facutly building being knocked down, the cut down from 2 streams to 1 stream ...
hmm...i just wanted to pray for her on the spot then and there...
But it seemed rude to interrupt her rant..

Started work at Roy Morgans lol! call centre =P MARKET RESEARCH =P not selling anything...
grr.. 9.30pm-ish train home.. gah. tired..bumped into david on the train.. who works at MINT. ...im glad they rejected me ... 4AM FINISHES!! 0_0 ... intense catering...

xmen poster fell down T_T
need to vacuum room still ..its been what a month now? i dont even want to sit on my own carpet XD

badminton @ monash
victor, sam, vincent, david, alan, carlson, peter,
gabriel, kristin, feng, chun, ewen, amy, kenneth, regina

.. you bump into soooo many people at monash ._.!

lunch glen
work city


Train in - Nat, Jacqui, Yan , Thian
Stood in arts faculty queue for ages..they are unhelpful yet again
Sorted science ..comp glitch said enrolled me in optometry ..what ever that is
Bought QM notes

Bumped into CC and Luna. They were selling books..
turns out the buyer wanted mine too .. YAY!

Lunch city, train home
Thian insisted in bumming at Yans for bleach T_T
note to self: get him a second ps2 controller

met cousin's kids.. so 2nd cousins?
Walked them to the library
Bumped into Jason, David..derr i think that's his name ..oops..and friend
Michael's shout to icecream hahahaa =P

Drove to monash
bwhaha made the wrong turn twice =.='
Band..WOAH! neglect frank for WAY too long >< since wisdom teeth removal?
two NEW FRENCH HORN PLAYERS!! YAY!!!! to share the cluelessness with =]
But yer.. it was good... ^^
Drove Chun home, stopped by maccas...yay for drive thru
Joey's working AGAIN ... "I'm sooo over this job right now" ..haha..his expression was so funny Late night

Train in 8:33 - Mark
wow. dent has a massive 3k equip/book list!! =O

Sold organic chem book
Bought physiology notes + remote control looking like thing
which we "need" for first lecture >.>

Hmm.. so early -_-' mind wasnt awake...so i dont remember if i paid the people.
The staff themselves got distracted too.. so err..
stood there for 5mins.. staring blankly at each other..

"i think i've paid"
"well if you think you paid then you paid..."
"..i think i've paid"

and it went on for ..derr.. ages. AHahhAHAha.. /wake up already/
but now that i think about it...

running late..changed outside car ..
hmm..bad habit lately XD

Bumped into Chris, Allen

work - glen
lolz. michael you are so funny..staring at the ice cream staff
took peter 2 hours to realise i was working.. T_T
standing right in front of you =P

grace visited YAY! lent her adobe premier pro 2. oh yer! film + edit to the MAX
she stood around for 1.5 hours 0_0

smell of kitchen/fast/oily food


seven hours standing..
tired..drove random friend mavis home..
wow..live so close 0_0

"you got somthing for tomorrow promo..please say yes..."- ken
"oh..i guess i do now then...." -me
"YAY" - ken
>< - me" i knew i could count on you" -ken

oh crap.. T_T ..havent touched video camera since media..
hmm..promo vidz for youth camp should be fun

sudden insight


woke up late ..aGAIN! T_T
crashed jason's place..filmed him gaming

lunch - last min decision to eat waffles.
Daryls idea..yet he had uni ><
and i owe grace a visit
escorted grace to the bank. WOAH! casshhhhh.. lol....
bumped into anne-marie peter, michael, david, viv - everyone & food court jobs hahaha

wanted: danish rounder bat... sport shop didnt have it 0_0

sam, victor, meng rocked up. yay! stuffed with sugar @.@
finally opened articulate...good game good game
bed smells of victor/meng GRRR!!!! >: [

youth group
my home :]

cancelled work. Headed back to church
the morning was beautiful

x.poster is back up on the wall..but i didnt do it 0_0
on the side_
if i were to get a tattoo it would say frank
but of course i know better =P

my gosh. current state: water vapour 0_0
true i have no secrets and no shame
but this is one step up from clingwrap.
Not only can you see right thru me but walk right thu me =/
things to do:
become a nerd.. and FAST. dont want to start uni T_T
have a week of veggies.. after the week of junk food =.='
make a pencil case
T-shirt drawing
get petrol T_T
get hair cut...


Blogger Ritzy said...

edit: i cant be stuffed re doing it.

reality check: LOL! that wasnt what i did on monday!!

i remember now!!

woke up late.. crashed yan's place ..
had breakfast.

sam, yan, david gaming


THEN train to work..

/whacks head/

im so lost

5:51 PM  
Blogger solace said...

Waffles! I told you, I could've skipped my lectures but nooooo! You insisted on me attending them :(

7:05 PM  

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