«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: .... reminiscence

Monday, February 04, 2008

.... reminiscence

ahh.. the week that has been..
wow. really havent been on the computer much 0_0 that's surprising. lol.

But yer.. lets see. 2/2/08 - one of best days of 2008. It's goina be a hard one to beat. But im sure there are many brilliant extravagant days ahead. =]

Attempt at mini primary school reunion...okay..soo..basically just the people we used to hang around at lunch times. lol... remember the days when people say "can i play with you?" hahhaa ..kinda pointless to ask..because i never took no as an answer and joined in anyways. =P

So out of ten pplz.. seven rocked up YAY! success-ish >< Hmm..turns out everyone was busy during the day besides thian so sweeney todd was cancelled [note: watch it one day]
BUT dinner @ Samurai's was still on . Love the food ^___^

Good ol' days..everyone's the same..besides the fact that we tend to drop our food on the floor less, eat the dropped food on the floor less and we can DRIVE! bwhahahaah.. YOSH!! got and PARKED!! glenferrie rd without getting lost. =P

Bummed at primary school.. i dunnoz.. 9pm?? geez..all the good wooden structures are gone.. it was SO not that dangerous ..despite someone jumpin off the derr.. 2.5m high bridge (or whatever it was back then) and collapsing on me =.=' i survived.. Hmm.. monkey bars have also been lowered.. a LOT .and not because we grew =P

Bummed at maccas.. bwhaha Joey rememberd my name =P after how many years of high school? he finally got it hahaha.. hmm.. digging at the most disgusting ice cream cake i've ever seen.. must have been some power failure and earthquake in their freezer because all of it was..slanted to one side.. sprinkles mostly in one corner.. and it had a cheese cake/cobweb texture..SO CHEWY XD ah wells.. ate it anyways.. (say someone send me the photos )XD
Half way through - half the bottom of the cake had frozen orange juice layer underneath.. ewww

Late night ..should have left earlier.. kinda zoned out in service the next day x_x'' dammit

*dropped resume @ mirage. or whatever that clothes store next to stranbags is called
*after hearing friend's friend getting paid $4 an hour..makes me feel not so bad...derr..blog again laters =P


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