«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: the week that has been..

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

the week that has been..

lets see.. hmm.. been definately away from comp for a whiles.. haha ..
*catches up on posts*
- wondering into more clothes shops 0_0
street/wanna-be-punk stuff/rock is v. interestingly constructed
hm.. to get or not..haha

- gardening/weed digging/flicking at church friend's place.
wOAH . such a nice house. so big. yet so far away.. had to take the
south gippsland hwy 0_0
which would been taking derr. 1-2 hours to get to church on sundays.
*respect* and shame on me for arriving late nearly every week =.=

- no response from job interview..=P
might just fill in for aunty at food court, glen =P
something ta do.

summer school - 30% of assessment down
you can download stuff on the comps..
too bad i needed a code to use my usb GRR!

resturants -
proud peacock - good service.. and nice food...going to go again some time
tung wo -massive congee servings nice..
YumCha Inn - new ..so not much stuff.. yer..and small servings..and
der..only the tofu was good XD
i wanna try veggie valley =.=' anyone?
and its about time i get around to walking into Shine =P

Nova cinemas rock - yay for trailers during previews!!! and leg room and comfy chairs
Grr to village..and their ads on coke, beer and hygene products >=[
Juno - was so so.. haha yes it had lots of promising reviews and as such..
made me expect more.. other than that.. was good and original 4 stars

The Darjeeling Limited - incredibly insanely haphazardly hilarious
just watch it =P and ignore the first 15 mins of sex scenes -.=
5 stars

Spy Kids 3D - LOL! such a corny cliche film. but it was overall okay
because of the all star cast.. lol at george clooney being the president..(and
saying "I think that's the end of my career" in the bloopers..haha.. yer..dodgy dodgy movie)..
and elijha wood being "the one" that directs them to the end of the game..only had 2 mins
screen time.. but SO funny

There's something about mary - derr.. wasnt good at all..
I didnt see the build up to any climax..seemed more like a 30min comedy episode
or something 1 star

Dumplings - Eergghh. great cinematic but ..pass.. 4 stars technques
1 star plot - eating fetus' in dumplings *ewww*

2046- brilliantly composed..despite characters talking to each other in different
languages..that was a bit odd at first.. but added the effect
Canto, Mando, Jap

finally bought paprika but havent seen it.. hmm..to trust steve's word..
well respect for the artist that animated/designed basically all the xmen evo characters lol

gah. commanded to sleep before i could watch the patriot on tv.. *sob* Heath Ledger

things to get:
sewing machine - hmm anyone know a good one for a beginner? lol
time management skills still

and i have been finding humour in almost everything.
Dang you guys are so funny.

On the side_

What is with the subliminal messages MSN!! HUH??





Anonymous Anonymous said...

Told you told you!! Wasn't the Darjeeling Limited just fantastic! I want to get the dvd so I can watch it over and over again.

1:51 PM  

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