«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: ace ace ACE

Saturday, February 16, 2008

ace ace ACE

can ya guys believe it? holidays are STILL on.. heheheeh.. yeaRH!

hmm. for me..seriously..it seems like 6 months has past. =] so much as happened..so much fun ..everyday as different as the next....

since i'd stepped onto that plane for singapore..never has a single day been boring 0_0 wow...
...it's probably due to the fact that im easily entertained/amused..

9 hours of standing at work..thumb sore from napkin+fork folding and I still enjoyed it..wahhh..

Yesterday marked the last day of summer school..heheh. no exam...but we had to hang around for an exhibition bleh...of our work..BLEH =.='

1-5pm. wait .. dang...what to do? ah wells.. the day figures it self out... why worry eh? it wouldnt help with anything .. *floats on a cloud* ...guess that mentality adds to my laziness > <

ended up..

-eating..prices going up at union house lol
-comics r us ...zomg! XMEN is up to 450 ++++ gahh.. im up to errr..comic 92? -.-' losing touch..noooooooooooo
-classic comics - some nice posters ^^
-msn at uni library
-browsing DA..endless awesome stuff...
- checking booklist.. hmm. none prescribed text. sweet lol
- returning library book (=P noo..not a novel.. a .. book showing copic market techniques lol)
- watching v. talented spray painter art guy on bourke st.
- walking through chinatown
- bumping into yan's friend who's name i cannot spell..and his friends nick and simon? /shrugs
- catching up with someone i dont even know. hahahaha. wow that was 1 hour gone XD..and best of ALL.. HE KNOWS WHERE A SEE SAW IS!! .. zOMG!!.. has one the oval right infront of his house.. so there goes the idea they are extinct =] but its in wayy west melb. =.=' dont think i will make the same mistake of inviting myself over to a person-ive-known-for-less-that-1hour's house again ...

note to self_
shut up and listen more
stop laughing + pointing out how angel wears make up =.=' my gosh.. she's practically 20..
my mind's out of it so badly.. ><
sponsor nicole.. WOLRDS GREATEST SHAVE!!!!


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