«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: hand-me-downs

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Yoho...it's a pirates life for me..

okie. didnt know how to start.. so typed the first thing that popped into my head.. =.='

today... is a nice warm lazy saturday.. should have definitely started studying for biology but


wake up 10am bleh.. *flicks on comp* lets see..what do download ...

11am.. should get off computer =.=

11.45am ...lunch whilst.. watching naruto.. ZOMG! so unproductive..and naruto?? out of all things =.=' battles..got sucked in ..poo..

12.30pm driving lesson, Ps booked.. bleh. =.=' fingers crossed i have a nice test person..
darn..couldnt get same day as jenny.. one week later. =P

1.30pm ...second lunch

2pm.. bum


err.. now?

aRGH!! =.='
v. not good..

Anyways.. one nice thing that hadnt happened in a while was hand-me-downs.
lol.. from what i've read and seen in the media the phrase seems to get negative connotations. But i like them ^^ it's sort of like... having an entire op-shop right in front of your living room. and everything is already yours. ^^

hehe.. clothes...old clothes...to be cut up and mucked around with ^^..
muahaha.. materials + scissors... *grins*
.. just have to find the needles and thread =.=..
who has a sewing machine??

i got.. a BAG! finally.. a proper bag. none of that sling over one shoulder balancing act anymore.
lol... i never got around to buying one hahaha..

also random letter packs.
so fobby.. hahaa.. some of the paper sizes are the same size as my palm
instinct: drop random nice works into people's lockers.

one the side___
i think im getting a cold..
runny nose in morning..
sneezing now and then..

but but.. FIGHT IT FIGHT IT!. willing myself not to get sick..
also stacking on the layers.. feel like a massive dumping XD



Blogger Hayashi said...

oh man busy schedule! i told you, you are an organization freak :D

hope you feel better soon; dumplings are great to eat :D

(think of that as incentive to get better!)

11:31 PM  

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