«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: *gasp*. AirR!! i forgot to brEaTh x_x "

Friday, June 02, 2006

*gasp*. AirR!! i forgot to brEaTh x_x "

sigh Audio pronunciation of "sigh" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s)
v. sighed, sigh·ing, sighs
v. intr. To exhale audibly in a long deep breath, as in weariness

Righto this week has been ssooOOOoOOOooOo hectic.. really unbareable.. (due to my lack of time management skills). THis is ssO bad. i feel like a extremely poor role model.. definately noT worthy of a title such as vice school captain or even year 12. .. above all i complain WAY too much.. every second word is full of damninatio0n -_-'

Lesson learnt for the billionth time: do NOT leave anything to the last minute!

BUt this time .. i think it has really sunk in .. after giving up a thirty hours of sleep or so.. i've learnt my lesson.. and nearly suffered burns from the heater -_-'

VCD and media just killed by brain.. i had to room to squash in chem no matter how hard i tried.. but ahh.. i submitted both folios. .. did media to a better standard than vcd. .. never completed vcdd.. *fingers crossed* that the amount of paper i used make up for it >< " I'm the most stupid person alive.. in my brief i wrote i need to make a

> kid's meal box (real thing AND net for presentation)
> a drink
> a logo
> graphics for the shop/packaging
> chip packet


-_-'i cant' believe i wrote that .. the brief was only bout 100 words anyway

But yer.. i made it through to this week.. and just JUST got past by cCHEM.. YAY! i dont get an N and fail the unit.. because i'm only up to chapter 7.. when we are up to chapter 15 >< [exam in four days] ack this is goina be a long blog.. wont be writing in a while.. .. due to my complaininess and whinniness i just wanted to thank ya all for bothering to stand next to me.. when it was obvious i was extremely annoying...
The list...thank you

Grace - for putting your folio to help me with mine and cut the pages.. thankz heaps
Daniel - for putting your folio aside to help put all the pockets in mine coz it exploded
Jee Wee - for putting all the pockets back into my folio again.. coz it exploded.. (twice -_-)
Angel - for putting up with a SWAmP load of complaints..and lending me ya usb, manga book
Bharat- for puttin chem practise exam to help me with ideas for media
David #1 - for sticking up for xmen hahah. .waH! so inspiring.. you DID THREE Folios
David #2 - for constantly reminding me to do work
Madu - for lending me your video camera for a whole year!
Lissah - for lending me your digital camera for a week!
Indi - for watching X3 with me.. even though we had to sit next to noisy kids
Avis - for giving me vcd ideas
Andrew #1- tellin me chem answers
Andrew #2 - for your energetic music played during vcd
Andrew #3 - for your consitant comic routine of fobbiness that brigtened my day
Andy - helping me draw out my media folio and telling me how to spell lots of words >< style="text-align: center;">Ack hope i didnt leave anyone out.. really didnt' mean to ><><
Lastly i will end off with quote of the week:

Background info: In media class while we were stressing about our folios the teacher got onto the topic of who would make a good boyfriend

Teaacher: Tim will be good.. he is thoughtful.. Calium would be good but he would be the guy that doesn't remember your birthday"
Calium: (other side of classroom): what??
Teacher: I said you probably would forgot someone's birthday
Calium: ha.. i can't never remember mine. My dad asked me a few weeks ago, "You're turning 18 next week what do you want?" and i was like.. WHAT? I'M EIGHTEEN??

LOL!! you are soo funny.. haaha.. you pulled the most funniest face too..

Background info - Me busily doing vcd project and annotating my experimentation with the air dry modelling clay..

Clay: Hi do you need any help?
Me: nah.. it's okay i'm just annotating the stuff that is in there *points to a box with clay model*
Clay: Hey. it's my cousin.
Daniel: LMAO!

sounds lame when i type it.. but it was sooo funny
New experience:

This whole!! week i have been all red and pink.. oh my gosh.. I COULDN'T TURN IT OFF!. it looked i was blushing..but i wasn't .. *fingers crossed i'm not sick*.. arGH.. it gave people all the wrong messages.. so NO.. i'm not crazy over you just because you came over to talk to me and i went all red..

and no.. lanelle i'm not drunk.. but i might as well could have been.. i just dont understand maths.. i pick up the text book and dropped it immediately.. it slipped through my fingers.. i nearly fell off the chair -_-'

no .. redness is not because of stress grace.. it's something else..must be

:my conclusion: STUPID DAD! HE PUT PEPPER INTO all the stuff we had this week ><


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL SANDRA HAHAHAHHA> man u make de best blogs. hahaha.

Sigh haha may ur dad put in wine in all de foods u ate LOL or somehow all de neutrients in de bread rushed to ur face lol. I say it was de pressure cuz my face went red too.

Dun worry we werent complaining about ur complaining and HAHAHAHA calium he was funny

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhahahahah i agree to grace ahahha ur blogs are hilarious! and well done to cailum (y) for being a smart shite. ahahhaha

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*WITH grace..sheesh what happened to my english ><

2:05 PM  

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