«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: steam boat night!!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

steam boat night!!

Alright youth group..tonight was "cell dating night" ..basically a bunch of us Christians just meet up on a friday and split up into bible study groups.. but so far it's just been chillin'. lol... those groups and called "cells" coz we want to mutiply in numbers and split in to more groups..forming a big church in the long run ^-^ nice aim eh?

well. tonights activity was pairing up with another cell group..doing something to get to know them better

lol if you dont know what steam boat is well. it's a big pot.. with boiling water and you put what ever you want to eat in it..and cook it .. ^^
alrighy.. all the food is uncooked..in they go!!
aRGH! we left the fish balls in there for too long ><..we did the coke vs. pepsi test.. aww the girls lost.. we cant tell which is which ><sister's youth group.. cell group bunch just watched a movie ^^


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