«¯§ Þ Ô.ö k¬»: argH .. sac.. ARGhh.SAC!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

argH .. sac.. ARGhh.SAC!

righto.. this week i still have english and media sac to go.

english.. well i'm no. 13 and they never got to me *sigh*. .this time andy, andrew and grace snuck into the lecture theatre to watch. aww.. they didn't get ta see.. but.. PETER AND QUYEN!! WAH!! their oral presentation was woaH.. good

haha. peter played rain noises..and was holding an umbrella that was practically flipped inside out as a prop. he gave a eulogy. Quyen was in a suit and all.. being alfieri.. waH!! good good ^^
i want your suit!! =P

MEDIA SAC!! a kilLer!!.. i was very lucky and fortunate to have people help me out though ^^

thanks goes to david, chris, james and justin.. but ack.. i really dont think i did that well -_-'

the footage was very messy..sound was a problem..and your conversations were rather *cough* how should i put it.. "it will make the teacher laugh".. so random

"Monkey god" ..... "monkey poo" ...*sigh* year 12 media sac.. and that's what i have as footage to show my skill and knowledge of how to use a camera. *sigh*.. i need more practise


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